food for soul

December 1, 2006

A >> Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.

B >> Believe in yourself.

C >> Consider things from every angle.

D >> Don’t give up and don’t give in.

E >> Enjoy life today – yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.

F >> Family and friends are hidden treasures

G >> Give more than you planned to.

H >> Hang on to your dreams.

I >> Ignore those who try to discourage you.

J >> Just do it.

K >> Keep trying no matter how hard it seems.

L >> Love yourself first and most.

M >> Make it happen.

N >> Never lie, cheat or steal; always strike a fair deal.

O >> Open your eyes and see things as they really are.

P >> Practice makes perfect.

Q >> Quitters never win, and winners never quit.

R >> Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S >> Stop procrastinating.

T >> Take control of your own destiny.

U >> Understand yourself to better understand others.

V >> Visualize it!

W >> Want it more than anything.

X >> Xcellerate your efforts.

Y >> You are unique of all God’s creations

Z >> Zero in on your target

Are good girls boring?

December 1, 2006

Brought to you by The Plug

Want to know why men don’t call back? The main reason they don’t call back is STIMULI. Some men play sports, gamble, and take risks and anything else that makes the blood flow a little faster or makes their heart beat a little faster. If you want to be part of those stimuli then you have to ask yourself the $1 million question: Am I a good girl who bores men? That posed question to one self is two fold and the first part of the question is “am I a good girl”? Good girls unlike good boys do not finish last and have the ability to play both sides of the good girl/bad girl fence.

Good girls are just bad girls who have not been caught yet

The real list of why men don’t call back is too long to list but based on STIMULI it is about how much “energy” a female puts into her interaction with him. When men hit on a girl he can usually tell in the first few minutes of her behavior if she is a player, a bitch, a nice girl or maybe she is just out of her element and acting quirky. Men are attracted to PHYSICAL features first and that is what draws them in to hitting on females. During the “courting” or exchange of communication he can tell by her body language and the subjects that keep her interest what she is about. This theory of course is based on typical conversation with the normal man in a neutral zone like a bar or coffee shop.

Women are notorious for “subduing their energy” in front of a male. In other words – some females who are inherently fun party girls want to make like “good girls” when a guy comes along that is hot and maybe her “type”.

Females are more competitive than men and actually “care” what people think so they often perform all naughty girl behavior on the DL (down low) and in front of their girls they act like they go to Catholic School. The problem is that even the greatest guy in the world does not want a pure angel. Men are bad boys even the good ones so they would never marry a perfectly pure Princess if it means they themselves would be judged on their thoughts, actions and behaviors.

Often girls think he did not call because he thought he would not get laid

When you are out at a club or a coffee shop or grocery store or wherever and a man you find attractive is giving you attention – you don’t have to act like a slut but you also don’t need to act prude and unapproachable. Men want to do some work but not so much work that they feel there will be no pay off.

Too often females believe that a guy that took her number did not call her is because he just wanted to get laid and felt he would not. THAT IS NOT TRUE. “More often” men don’t call not because they don’t think they will get laid but because they think getting laid will take way too much work. Way too much work based on how she acted when they met. Men don’t assume they are going to get laid when you give them your phone number but they can absolutely tell when they won’t.

According to Cyndi Lauper “Girls just want to have fun” so you girls ARE the stimuli for the men. Females are the reason men do everything from making money to going to the gym. We want to be handsome, rich and exciting so we can win the attention of you females with the ease of a Prince not the difficulty of a Pauper. Men want to ENJOY the company of a female and that means she must STIMULATE his interests beyond her looks. Her behavior will dictate his level of interest and how long she keeps it.

If you want to play with boys you must play like them

The art of seduction is personal to each person and especially the chemistry of each couple. You the female must know that you are – though diverse – a completely different animal than us men and if you seriously want to “play” with boys you must play like them. This exchange can be done without the loss of any of your femininity and keep him “guessing”.

IF YOU ARE BORED SO IS HE! Good girl or not if you bore the hell out of a guy then he won’t care if he gets laid or not because the work is too intense and there is too much “faking” like he is enjoying her company or phone conversation – not even I can tolerate that for a piece of the pie. You can be a bad girl and a good girl. Men want a lady in the streets but a freak in the bedroom (right USHER?) and you can be both and still tease him along the way. Grasp the fact that as a female you have great power over men and with the simplest of flirting techniques you can hypnotize a man.

When you give him your number – say something fun like, “When you call me I will tell you something personal about myself”. He will be enticed to find out what it is and will most certainly call. In the world of single men if you must learn how to stimulate, seduce and tease a man into wanting more; being a good girl won’t do that. Men will forgive you for being a whore but will never forgive you for being a bore. Men want excitement, challenge and risk not the comfort of predictability. Most importantly when dealing with men never worry about your past or your “crazy sexual thoughts”. I guarantee he has you beat.

Shall answer what type I am. First I wish to say that I am actually sick of that women learn ways to please men but the men don’t as much. It’s sexism, think about it. Wha about us women, how men wants it been known for long time but our sexually been repressed and men has a lot to learn and most aren’t really willing to. Women, write some damn lists. But yet it feels that us women got more pressure to please them, and there ain’t half the same pressure on them. Oh, don’t try to argue it man. From the worlds point of view it ain’t close to even. Anyhow, I’m a good girl these days and I’m sure I am boring 🙂 .This list actually got me to think of a Q I’m gonna ask my partner.